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Last Lecture - Wish Upon a Star, Legacy, Stones in the Road

On every journey there is a cross road that we come to.  A moment to pause and take stock of life and what direction we ought to take.  While standing at the sign posts of life, I have come to think if this was my last lecture on earth, what would I say.

Unlike Dr Randy Pausch, some topics aren't off the table or not meaningful at this juncture. If this moment was indicative of my last final breathe or end of a journey where we would part ways, I would want to share some invaluable wisdom and insights gained on this journey in hopes that it will light your path as you travel, leaving a legacy that encourages, no shouts for you to live life for your dreams, make your wishes and find opportunities as Dr Pausch did to live out your dreams.

From the moment I wrote my blog about wishing upon a star, it was self evident the basis of our drive comes from dreams and hopes. The fuel we need is that found in dreams.  Dreaming is the force behind success and sticking to the goal in mind.  In history we remember who have done great things, for example Thomas Edison, Einstein, Arthur Graham Bell, Amelia Earhart, Sir Edmund Hilary to name a few.  Why do we think ourselves any less than them.  We are capable of dreaming, wishing just as they did. In truth, there is nothing that sets us apart except our willingness to follow and make those dreams happen.

Passion, support and vision is what makes your dreams come true.  Can you find a dream?  Do you have a life work that is meaningful and want to make a difference in others lives like Dr Pausch.  I believe we can be like Dr Pausch and help build others' dreams. This ripple affect replicates itself purely because the gift you receive in giving is far greater than any thing you will experience in a life time.  Your legacy will continue as a heritage of giving others the opportunity to feel the thrill of making their dreams come true.

The Blog Building a Legacy created a continued basis by re-igniting our dreams.  Let one more time visit that activity where we grasped the wagon of our dreams.  Take a moment and take in through your nose a deep cleansing breath.  Breath in as much air as your longs can take. Now hold, and slowly exhale, breathing out gradually.  Read the following questions

Do you have a Dream? 
What is your dream?
What are you willing to do make that dream a reality?
How do you want your family, friends and colleagues to remember you?
Now take a deep breath, think through those questions and close your eyes.  As you exhale focus on the answers to those questions. Take one last deep, powerful breath in and slowly exhale.  Are these questions triggering emotions in you.  Think for a moment and connect with how you feel. The purpose of this exercise was to reunite the passion within you to keep dreaming and to see how self  can either defeat or ignite the drive we innately have within us.

Plato said: "The first and best victory is to conquer self, to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and file. "

Building a legacy that spans a life time and has long lasting effects takes self discipline and mastery. Part of that discipline is knowing and understanding yourself.  This understanding of self brings a sense of confidence in your abilities.  Self discipline means implementing life changing processes. A process that includes casting your  line to your dream.  Determining your course of action or plan to meet that endeavor.   A course of action includes the characteristics and traits that you hold close and under no circumstances will compromise those beliefs. In other words your integrity. Now with a charted course arm yourself with as much willpower you can muster.  In the end all  your tenacity, strength and will power will drive your ship forward.

Moving your ship toward a star (goal) remember begins with a dream, then a wish followed by self discipline.  This impetus will enable a reality to come to fruition.  Nothing in this life is without challenges or obstacles.  Certainly those moments will bring about greater character in ourselves or ultimately break us as people.  Thankfully we each have the instinct to send up flairs, throw out a life raft or swim.  The tools that enable those activities come from our perception of the challenge.  Are these challenges pebbles in the road or large boulders that take ingenuity, innovation to move or get around, over and through.

Ironically my adaptation of a nursery rhyme seemed to find a place of significant meaning and truth.  Singularly this rhyme in its original form coupled with the adaptation speak volumes to labels and how we think as a society.  Originally it was taught in the following way, "Sticks and Stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you."  The adaptation, "Sticks and Stone may break your bones but the giant of despair cannot hurt you."  I want to add an epilogue to this which  says, while saying names will never hurt you physically, the emotional IQ damage for labels and calling names is devastating. I am sure it was for its time well meaning however we have since evolved with a greater understanding of how our emotional IQ can be damaged.  Its a great way to mentally get yourself into a better place but the damage is already done. Running away from the truth is always easy.

I adapted this childhood rhyme to introduce an aspect that can break the best of us.  Second to that is the pebble in our shoe, the annoyance that won’t go away. The reason for these two notable topics is because they resonate two distinctive challenges I have been facing while developing business ideas this last semester.  I believe that knowing and understanding these two key challenges it will help me to find meaningful ways to embrace and over come them.

As with personal growth and opportunities to build a life of meaning there comes a time when the dark valleys that have no light will envelop us.   For an entrepreneur they are not immune to such confrontations.  It is in these times and places perhaps finding a higher power to illuminate the dark path is what can give aid and courage to the journey.   Despite the sublime darkness we have to illuminate and find light.  For those who have suffered real darkness, those of the time during the holocaust we can find comfort in their darkest hours.   “I believe in the sun even when it is not shining.

No longer will I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (life) and fear. I know that there can be light and it is the light of meaning and character that I bring with me as I journey.  These elements can be my greatest weaknesses in becoming an entrepreneur.  As I cultivate new attitudes about them, I can show others what has meaning in my life and give the greatest gift.  The gift of understanding and tools to which they will be refined into a master of their destiny.

Remember the glass is half full not half empty and in the moment of life where challenges arise,  it is our perspective of that situation that will carry us forward.  Change your vision to something else and the answers will come when you aren't looking for them.  See problems as opportunities not something we get over.

Join me on this journey of finding your bliss, your passion, your reason for saying, I am going to have a great day with deep meaningful intent... I believe we all have the capacity as ordinary people to do extraordinary things... its worth the risk, uncomfortable moments, restless night, slight anxiety, determination, mistakes, learning and growth.

We live in an era where life is about accessibility and being seen.  If you want to be seen then learn to have a life of meaning. Find a mentor and ask yourself these questions:

1.  Have I contributed something meaningful (today)?
2. Am I a good person (No matter the circumstances)
3. Who did I love and who loved me?


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