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A time in a Season ... Introducing Giving Back Blog Project

Many months ago while reading the book, "A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey, I embarked on a project that would put my abilities and self assurance to their limits. 

Life presented and opportunity and I boldly went forward with much tenacity. All to come to a crescendo where I loudly declared with all my heart, I want to, need to find a way to give back to others, but how do I do that.

I did it by first asking questions and not being afraid to ask for what I wanted.  Second I did not limit myself.  I refused to let anything including language get in the way of making a difference.  I crossed the boundaries of language through google translator, learned on the fly how with word press how to develop a website, found resources and learning in places I didn't think possible.

It doesn't matter how we make connections, only that they happen. 

What motivates you to live, breath and get up in the morning with a smile on your face.  Is it the satisfaction of helping others, or doing what you love – your passion.  This page is dedicated to the passions that are blazed on the trail of mediocrity and crescendo to a dedicated life’s work

No longer am I bound by the uncertainty of mediocrity but have stepped onto the threshold of pure bliss, passion, finding my voice that seeks only to help others succeed.

A road or path has presented itself and I gladly followed it with all the exuberance that I can personally create.  Let the adventure begin and I hope that with the same ounce of passion that I have, you will follow me and like a peanut butter jelly jam sandwich spread the word. 

My life long goal is to find a ways to give back and provide opportunities where time, resources and virtual worlds collide to create a synergy of hope, love, passion for what we do and always understanding and tolerance.

The pages that follow will  introduce  talented artists, artisans their works and people who have found a true calling.

If you have a project or discipline you would like me to feature on my blog page, please feel free to email me at and we can work together to build an opportunity for your success.


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