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The Commodity of Love and Romance

It is human nature from the moment we are born to crave the compelling and palatable feeling of touch; human touch and often the intangible emotion called love.  A phenomenon that is not just specific to humans, all mammals and creature that inhabit this vast world are no different.  Go to  your local zoo and watch what you discover as animals and creatures of all shapes and sized interact through touch, taste and smell.  Specifically for this observation it LOVE through touch.

What is the significance of touch.  Touch is a sensory output that ignites chemistry or pheromone that in part creates attraction.  Attraction leads to higher levels of human intimacy.  LOVE.  The infinite and eternal nature of love has sunk ships, destroyed nations, created feuds, given mystery and intrigue to high power presidencies and monarchy.

Yet it is the one commodity in this media and electronic age that is gaining market presence with dating websites around the globe.  Men searching for Woman, Woman searching for men, Men looking for Men and Women finding Woman all in the medium of online.  Each hoping they find that special person employing all costs for love, companionship, romance and spark of sincerity, loyalty, fun, humor and LOVE.

This is a keen observation from a unique entrepreneurial perspective, something we don't necessarily think about even though we are aware, acutely aware it is there.  Who would see love as a commodity to get gain.  Unfortunately in this electronic age, it is indicative of the environment we live in and gravitate toward for the sake of convenience and time.

Demands of our life and time dictate how to achieve and fulfill the needs of the day.  Accessibility, ease of comfort and time dictate how we utilize the media.  Recently I found a great read and article on Google  regarding the ideology of one stop shopping but it wasn't at all about going to the grocery store, it was allowing someone to talk to prospective dates on your behalf. Admittedly, at first, this personal assistant type service within the dating world  had me feel furious and disingenuous  that a conversation would be monitored or controlled entirely by this personal assistant who is bidding affections for a paying customer.

However, after second thought, I came to the conclusion when our time is stretched, an idiom or saying come to mind as follow: Do it, Dump it or Delegate it.  This service maybe particularly appealing to some whose responsibilities in their career are demanding on their time and choose to delegate the search for a new and improved model to fall in love with. It is a very innovative idea that is tied to how do you want to spend your time and money?  Granted the poor man or woman at the other end has know clue there is a personal dating shopper impersonating their initial contact and any subsequent time that may follow.  This article did not disclose at what point the big reveal was made and it seemed that once a phone number was received, the exchange was made in a seamless transition.

A few words of caution to round out this discussion. With the media age we have the ability to remove traditions and cross borders, no matter our creed, race, religion or center of origin.  We can put aside those things to find our match, the one who fulfills our every dream, an ideal.  Sometimes our match is not found within our own communities and therefore our search becomes further abroad then ever imagined.

Imagination inter-weaved with brief online preludes play a significant part of the long-distance experience online.   We find someone who in our perspective based on writing and images is what our heart cries out for.  The need is there and the basic instinct peaks our interest.  The unknown and unable to attain touches the core of who we are.  We are driven to find the truth and see where this moment belongs  because its unknown and unattainable.

The truth of the matter is that it will last as long as there is interest and other interactions besides text, images and videos are at play.  Meeting face to face is at the core of solidifying the dream; the powerful concentration of emotion felt.  A dating expert that I have been recently following admitted after a lengthy survey of both men and women, that the crucible of a long-distance relationship is real physical interaction on a frequent basis.

Frequency in any relationship is important not just for long distance.  Frequency is what most dating websites hope will occur because it is that drive that keeps the industry going.  Often blogs and notes from participants, many want to throw their hands in the air and give up, while others embrace the experience more than one time and with several different sites.

Taking a devil’s advocate perspective, it can be said that dating websites legitimately bilk us out of money for the sake of love and romance. We are willing to spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to find the important, special soul mate and love or our life when we are ready to make that move.  As part of that move follow guidelines carefully and thoughtfully because predators await wanting to take money by means of scams.  As tackie as what I am about to say is, it is also very true." If it is too good to be true, then it probably is."  Remember if they don't want to face time or never make a commitment to meet up without a dozen excuses and reasons, then pay attention to how you feel.  Something is letting you know it's not legitimate so please...  Listen, listen to your gut.  Hundreds and thousands of dollars daily, weekly and monthly are being lost to scammers and we are all susceptible to their cunning and wit.  Do you want to be a victim and statistic?

Play it smart.  Before you take the plunge find a service that works for you, has protections and you can afford.


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