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A Journey Traveled - Circling Back

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
One might ask yourself that question after a significant period of time has passed and you look back over your shoulder and see the many trenches, pitfalls and distractions on your life path you have endured.  Perhaps asking where have all the flowers gone is a great analogy for the more certain and true questions -
  • How have I lived my life on this journey?
  • Who did I influence and make a difference for?
  • Did I stop and create the flowers in my life that blossomed into a wonderful moment?
  • Were the moments in my life seeds sewn to create beauty and positivity with others?
  • What is my legacy and how have I served others?
Certainly, at some point in our lives these or similar questions pose for us moments of pondering and reflection.  Why is that we wait for a tragedy or difficult challenge to ask ourselves such inwardly directly questions?  Why are we not evaluating our goals and directions daily.

The circle of life offers us moments to ponder as a way to check ourselves and give us relevant, real, information to determine our paths.  It is human nature that when life is going well we slip into complacency because our status quo is not disrupted.  We do not question what we feel and yet we should.  Complacency breeds limited thinking, however curious questions and self checks breed a means to evaluate ourselves, our direction and goals. This action simultaneously engages a call to action. 

Growing up I used to think the "She'll be right" meaning all is well was okay.  However, many years later after some significant tragic life experiences, I would have to say, that is not a way to live.  Being engaged in life and living it manifests a far greater, brighter crop of flowers. Instead of asking "where have all the flowers gone," we are celebrating with vibrancy that there is a field of dreams, flowers ready for us to explore and enjoy.

It has been two years to the day since I penned or typed a blog.  I have smelt many flowers, picked roses, delighted in colour and wilted at the challenges.  My path has been hewn with rock, weeds and long deep crevasses that I placed there of my choosing when I limited my thinking.  I knew what I was experiencing but did not have the tools in my belt to remove the weeds of limited thinking.

In a moment of truth, the universe sent me a message covered with a large dose of reality.  Either I had to pick up the message, accept the truth or continue on my journey knowing, really knowing that I was stopping my own capacity to be great.  It was the stuff made of the things you know that you didnt know.

To pick up the message and run with it or not to pick up the call to action.  That was a very deep Shakespearean question and moment.  With all the ferver I had, fear in my belly and all, I jumped without a parachute into the abyss called the universe is talking to you.

My call to action was here right in front of my eyes, circling back to me that I had started 2 years ago only this time it came with tools to solidfy what I innately knew.  Are you on the edge of your seat wondering what that was?

I will tell you in an up and coming PODCAST - Risk for Bliss with Gabriel Leal my co-host.  As the days move forward in preparation for this amazing event, please watch this blog page. I will turn up the dial/volume on publishing.  It is my wish to create an environment to education, inspire, uplift and grow your lives so that you don't ask where have all the flowers gone?  Here you are certain to receive positive vibrations, light, joy, hope, support, care, fun and love.  We all need these essential truths and actions in our lives on a daily basis.



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