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The Risk Factor - Is it worth It?

With risk there is no guarantee and essentially that in itself is an issue for most. The majority of us like smooth sailing in life in that we feel we diminish drama and challenges. I was that type of person until 2016 when I lost my husband suddenly.  Indiscriminately life decided to rear its ugly inconvenient head and turn my entire life, goals and purpose upside down.  I found myself having to quickley reinvent and as it were re-brand myself.  Yes RE-BRAND myself.

The journey I encountered as many of your have heard, often, if not until this moment is  that it is not about the destination but the paths you take.   My risk was to take a leap of faith and discover what I was made of and how I could move from a mourning widow to a dynamic, passionate vibrant woman facing a new normal.

My new normal involved finding a passion to be an entrepreneur and build a company that provides services to the community for at risk youth, as well as being a business that provides support to enterprising entrepreneurs like myself.  Scared initially,  I mustered passion and began discussing with friends I could trust and who I found had my same passion.  The passion soon passed into the demands of life and I easily put it to one side making and excuse that this was not me.

As the days turned into months, ironically the subject came to the surface again.   It was like a bug that just wont leave you alone, annoying and pedantic.  This time I was not going to let it go so easily so I found myself, my voice and my passion.

By finding my voice through, my passion, I could easily share key aspects of  my project key people who after lengthy discussion were the members of my team I needed to develop.  It was like a contagious happy disease that created excitement and of course passion.

I am not sure how intuitively I was able to navigate this process, however this we when I returned to school, Brigham Young University Idaho, I read an amazing article that confirmed what I seemed to know instinctively.  This article gave me the confirmation if I had any doubts about my risk that I needed to keep pursing my dreams, my passion, my bliss...

I know what you are asking yourself. So please give us the article name that got you all a flutter and buzzing.  The article is called "Living the Life of an Entrepreneurial Hero," by Jeff Sandefer.  The Action Foundation for Entrepreneurial Excellence (Afee) published this article.  I am excited to know I am somewhat going in the right direction when I am networking and choosing key  people, friends, colleagues to build a dynamic, heart felt driven team.

What I hope happens to you as it did to me is that you identify with the opening paragraph able to say, "YES" to the questions that are mentioned.

"Do you long to be successful? Do you want to make a difference in the world? On some days, do
you feel as if you were put on this earth for a purpose, and on other days feel completely lost?
Are you the type of person who is moved by a heartbreaking injustice or excited by an
extraordinary opportunity?"

If I could encourage one thing, it would be that you read the article in its entirety.   You will find your passion, even it it is not for being an entrepreneur.  Having a passion in life is deserving of any of us no matter our station in life.  Ask yourself what makes you get up in the morning and feel like life is worth it. If you don't feel that way then put one foot in front of the other and send me a message and I would be happy to talk to you because I discovered a power within me... To celebrate and see the good and great in others .. to help them to feel the joy of finding passion in themselves.

Join me on this journey of finding your bliss, your passion, your reason for saying, I am going to have a great day with deep meaningful intent... I believe we all have the capacity as ordinary people to do extraordinary things... its worth the risk, uncomfortable moments, restless night, slight anxiety, determination, mistakes, learning and growth.


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