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Wish upon a star, childhood dreams lost or found

Do you remember a moment in your childhood when you starred into the dark sky and whispered under your breath...

Star Light, Star Bright,
I wish I may,
I wish I might, 
Have the wish I wish tonight.

I do.  I want to ask you two questions.  When was the last time you did that? and Why did you stop?

In all honesty I haven't stopped wishing upon as star.  Why?  Because  still believe naive or not that dreams can come true. If I can keep a small hope alive even in my adulterating years then I can keep alive that can do, I can conquer the world attitude we all had as children. Remember those effortless moments of doing something crazy...

My crazy moment was at about 7 years old.  I climbed a huge ladder inside a 50 foot barn to shimmy along a galvanized pipe about 5 inches in diameter and then drop about 20 feet or more, landing only on hay bales.  I dared to dream  and made it a reality.

What drives us to forget those moments and our dreams.  We get lot in others expectations, don't have the support we need, or perhaps we are told we can't.  I don't honestly know the answer to that question because each of our childhoods are so deeply personal and individualized.  I read an amazing article and watch the equivalent of a TEDTalk about Randy Pausch.  Randy Pausch, had a Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate in Computer Science.  He was a very intelligent, funny, humble man who made his childhood dreams come true and they were his life works.  He was asked to give a talk at Carnegie Mellon University. Ironically the riveting talk, unfortunately for Dr Pausch, was to be is final last words because he was diagnosed with a late stage cancer with only a few weeks to enjoy life.

Amidst this irony Dr Pausch mandated what he would and would not discuss, cancer and death were certainly out of the question but what wasn't were his childhood dreams and the dreams of others he helped to achieve.  I agree taking cancer of the table is self defeating and the passion that this man exudes despite his life challenge was inspiring.  Dr Pausch was able to achieve is childhood dreams because he continued to dream, hope and wish.  But also worked at keeping those dreams alive and found opportunities to fulfill them in his life. It goes without saying opportunities are not found unless you talk about it to the right people at the right time. Dr Pausch had the support of his family in his growing up years and later as an adult, his spouse.  These factors are key in keeping your dreams alive and well in the present instead of fading into the distance.

Dreams whether great or small are important at all stages of life.  For a brief moment relive one of your childhood dreams. From a sensory perspective check your self. How do you feel? Are you exhilarated, thrilled, excited, happy to remember that moment?  Now ask yourself, "Where did that passion and feeling go?  At what stage of your life did you leave it by the wayside and forget about it?  As a child I dreams to be an airline stewardess for Air New Zealand.  I would dress up like one, go to the airport and talk to the woman.  I dropped this dream, because I was told I was too short and could never make it.  Dreaming is the force behind success and sticking to the goal in mind.  In history we remember who have done great things, for example Thomas Edison, Einstein, Arthur Graham Bell, Amelia Earhart, Sir Edmund Hilary to name a few.  Why do we think ourselves any less than them.  We are capable of dreaming, wishing just as they did. In truth, there is nothing that sets us apart except our willingness to follow and make those dreams happen.

Passion, support and vision is what makes your dreams come true.  Can you find a dream?  Do you have a life work that is meaningful and want to make a difference in others lives like Dr Pausch.  I believe we can be like Dr Pausch and help build others' dreams. This ripple affect replicates itself purely because the gift you receive in giving is far greater than any thing you will experience in a life time.  Your legacy will continue as a heritage of giving others the opportunity to feel the thrill of making their dreams come true.

I never stopped dreaming, hoping, being driven by a vision of something that could be or wishing on a star because I know dreams come true.  One of my childhood dreams was to go to Disneyland and I did that at 22. It was a monumental occasion I will never forget.  Even though not all of my childhood dreams have come true, I can say I have learned valuable lessons  from each moment that keep the light glowing inside.

Never stop dreaming, it was our founding fathers, who dreamt of a country that was free from oppression and a king or queen.  Imagine if  they stopped fighting for that dream.  Dont take my word for it. If you need a boost, emotional outlet, an opportunity to laugh and cry then read the link and discover for yourself your own DREAMS and go make it happen.


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