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A Life of Meaning

It is easy to get caught up in the demands of career and life only to loose site of purpose or drive that makes us who we are; our passion. How do we find our way back to a path that has meaning? This is both a complex and intriguing question where there are many answer, mostly suited to our circumstances and beliefs.

Where do we derive meaning, career, work, home, society, accumulation of wealth or people? Breaking this down to its simplest form, the truest definition of meaning as accounted in the Webster Dictionary states: the third definition states as follows

3 :significant quality; especially : implication of a hidden or special significance a glance full of meaning (

This summary gives great insight with phrases like "significant quality", special significance," denoting a level of importance to yourself or those around you. How do you discover meaning in life? Recently listening to a lecture by Brian Carter, a well known Oil and Gas Entrepreneur, I found the answer to this question. The first step may be not a easy as we believe or think but it has noteworthy value is to ask five people who know you relatively well or who just know you. Ask this poignant question without hesitation or compunction. 

What do I do better than anyone else in the world?

Ask them to be specific in their responses to this delving question. It would be helpful if they were able to provide examples of what they see in you. When you have deciphered their comments take a moment to think back in time when you found yourself lost in a project where time seemed to stand still.

Seconds, minutes and hours had passed because you were having so much fun engrossed in what you were doing. How did you feel? Was is something that brought you great joy? Is this a gift or talent you would discipline yourself to spend a lifetime of commitment to master? Only you know the answers to these questions but as you think on the replies, look at how you feel. Remember and commit those feelings to heart because as you engage on this journey of self discovery inevitably self doubt creeps in subtly and quietly. Being able to recall that moment will dissipate the negative.

You are at the cross road of finding your meaning or calling in life. At this cross road you move from mediocrity to satisfying a deep burning need that matters to you. A pursuit that will change and impact the lives of others, AKA a life of meaning. Are you ready to cross over just like that scene in Star Wars between Luke and Darth Vader.

As you gingerly walk over the line begin with the end in mind and then we can fill in the gaps. How do you want to live your life? When you pass into the realms of the ethereal how would like to be remembered? In based terms a life of meaning can be boiled down into three basic questions:

Have I contributed something meaningful?
Am I a good person?
Who did I Love and Who Loved me?

Compelling questions that reach to the inner depths and base of who we are a humans. Setting out on this journey of entrepreneurship and life takes monumental talent/gifts, courage,character and skill but it is achievable. 

Reading an article written by "Afee", Is the secret to success, Skill, Character or Luck?" there was a quote from Calvin Coolidge that undeniably supported this writers thinking, not to mention burnt a whole in my passion that the fire to build momentum grew. It said, “Nothing in this world will take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” 

Besides skill, character, often unfortunately, it is shear luck or being at the right place and time that creates success. We have all heard the stories of entrepreneurs who were then at the right moment taking advantage of sound business choices and partnerships where mutual respect and reputation lead the way to their success one incremental step at a time.

Success, real deep satisfying success is not just about character, skill or luck. It is about having wisdom to learn and grow all of these traits one foot in front of the other and living your standard bear associated with the three questions. 

Remember ... Have I contributed something meaningful, Am I a good person, Who did I love? and Who loved me? How do you see the answers to those questions as you live out your life now?. Are you ready to find your gift, embrace your passion and live a life of meaning. My answer is this... I am ready. I am empowered. I am excited to that I have started to discover what brings me joy, a deep burning that need satisfying and gives back to others. It is amazing and very real... Dip your toe into the water and for one moment take a risk. A risk that may change the rest of your life. Imagine that...

P.S. The picture is of my Grandmother Mearle Mavis Harwood, an incredible woman who touched my life for good and helped me discover meaning at a young age. I dedicate this article to you because you never gave up, you always stood up to the challenges.. Thank you for being a part of my life's journey.


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