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Passion and Purpose

Have you ever picked something up along your journey of life thinking this is great and will work wonders, found passion in the words, were moved to do something but a micro ingredient was missing so you laid it down, not having the impetus to re-engage until decades later.  The thought process, this is all too familiar. 

Many years ago having experienced an awaking with the principles of First thing First and 7 Habits of High Effective People it is more profound today that in that moment it was first introduced.  Profound because there is passion and purpose in my life, in my goals, in my vision.

Despite putting aside 7 Habits many years ago, within the inner recesses of the data field of my mind fragments of the past exist.  Those fossilized remains periodically ignited to memory would serve their over time but not come to full fruition till now. Of the 7 habits, the most decayed were 1. Begin with the end in Mind, 2. First things first and finally 3. Sharpen the Saw.

If you are a visual person who is goal oriented, then Begin with the End in Mind is something that may come easy to you.  This habit is about direction, purpose and end goal.  As Covey mentions, being in the "right Jungle".   No amount of effort can be expended that is useful if you are working in the wrong Jungle.  A goal is not a goal unless it is written down.  Creating a mission statement inscribed with fundamental principles and values, detailing governing daily activities that progress toward the end in mind.  These powerful, positive reinforcing words and equally important visualization activities of the final outcome empower individuals to remain vigilant in their resolve of where they expect to be; their vision a reality.

In times of deadlines, multiple demands and priorities it can be extremely challenging determining what needs the most attention.  Covey was a man ahead of his time and certainly this habit is more telling of the demands we would face in the future.  The 3rd habit on the rung of 7 is dedicated to efficiencies of time management. It is assumed that activities engaged in on a daily basis are broken into four quadrants or categories: Important and Urgent - Activities in this area involve time crisis, pressing problems or tight deadlines; while  Important Not Urgent are seen as preventative maintenance such as relationship building or creative thinking, planning and activities.  The last sections Not Important But Urgent, Not Important and Non Urgent relate to activities involving some pressing matters such as phone calls or meeting, however the final sector would be considered time wasters and totally a ineffective way to be productive.  This scaled thinking of time management over the years has effectively avoided many critical mass explosions on the project front.  Covey notes as follows: "Effective people are not problem minded - they are opportunity minded. They think preventively."  Essentially to be responsive rather than reactive is judicious. 

On a personal note, in the quiet over these many years I can truly say as I implemented these principles without even thinking about it, I experienced private victories in my day to day work an life challenges.  These victories are worth celebrating, feeling and remembering.  Of course a victory is not worth its weight unless you are present to yourself, your relationships and activities outside your goals.

The greatest tool that is often forgotten is taking time for yourself. Covey scaled this habit the epitome of the seven, personal effectiveness - Sharpen the Saw. How is this habit congruent with the six habits.  Congruence fits because without taking time to participate in activities outside of your work and projects would be like trying to write with blunt or unleaded pencil; it just doesnt work after time.   Rejuvenating the soul. mind, heart, body and spirit are essential to creating optimal synergy that is sustainable.   Think for a moment without the necessary energy, honed mental acuity, physical stamina it would be like eating soup with a fork to achieve any goals with purpose and passion. Self renewal creates balance.  Remember take five, take time for those other aspects of your life that create a whole you, not a half or quarter you.  Mind, heart, soul, and spirit need nourishment too just as much as our physical vessel.  

 If you haven't read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective people before, then make a commitment to implement it in your daily reading. Don't do as I did and put it down and take partial fragments on your life's journey. Luckily enough those fragments were sufficient to sustain a purpose and passion that is alive an breathing in my heart and soul.  So taking this from the top with the end in mind.  My purpose and passion is to build an international art gallery that invites learning and interaction from varied artistic disciplines where artists world wide can gather to embrace their love of the arts.  Showing the youth of today how to rediscover those bygone eras of paint, color, music, literature and repose.


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