Have you ever picked something up along your journey of life thinking this is great and will work wonders, found passion in the words, were moved to do something but a micro ingredient was missing so you laid it down, not having the impetus to re-engage until decades later. The thought process, this is all too familiar.
Many years ago having experienced an awaking with the principles of First thing First and 7 Habits of High Effective People it is more profound today that in that moment it was first introduced. Profound because there is passion and purpose in my life, in my goals, in my vision.
Despite putting aside 7 Habits many years ago, within the inner recesses of the data field of my mind fragments of the past exist. Those fossilized remains periodically ignited to memory would serve their over time but not come to full fruition till now. Of the 7 habits, the most decayed were 1. Begin with the end in Mind, 2. First things first and finally 3. Sharpen the Saw.

On a personal note, in the quiet over these many years I can truly say as I implemented these principles without even thinking about it, I experienced private victories in my day to day work an life challenges. These victories are worth celebrating, feeling and remembering. Of course a victory is not worth its weight unless you are present to yourself, your relationships and activities outside your goals.

If you haven't read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective people before, then make a commitment to implement it in your daily reading. Don't do as I did and put it down and take partial fragments on your life's journey. Luckily enough those fragments were sufficient to sustain a purpose and passion that is alive an breathing in my heart and soul. So taking this from the top with the end in mind. My purpose and passion is to build an international art gallery that invites learning and interaction from varied artistic disciplines where artists world wide can gather to embrace their love of the arts. Showing the youth of today how to rediscover those bygone eras of paint, color, music, literature and repose.
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