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Showing posts from May, 2020

Unsung Extraordinary Hero - Glenn Marsden putting life and heart into Mental Health

The definition of a HERO based on author, J eff Sanderfer is someone who shapes events, who acts rather than watches, who is creative and brave."(1). When I think of an Unsung Extraordinary Hero, I think of the creator and director behind the highly acclaimed Imperfectly Perfect Campaign. This man epitomizes  action, shaping culture - social values, creativity and innovation in his approach to put life and heart into Mental Health. As I sit pensively waiting for that moment to connect with none other than Yorkshire born, Glenn Marsden, I explore the world of Imperfectly Perfect  When you launch the web  page, o ne is immediately intrigued by the stories and pictures that resonate a truth.   Instantly you see unfiltered real photographs of influential public figures. The faces bear the grief and hardship of mental illness. These people live amongst us with voices that are neither yelling or screaming but talking, rather frankly and poignantly a...

Unsung Extraordinary Hero - A Journey to Fulfilling a Calling to Be a Voice

In the wake of current life situations with COVID-19 Pandemic the word HERO only synonymous with comic books has become a household word. We are in a time and place where we desperately need the visibility and creation of heros, heroines, people who are heroic.  From a college course book in one of my business classes, the definition in this time and space is certainly appropriate. In the introduction, Jeff Sanderfer said, " heroic people - people who shape events, who act rather than watch, who are creative and brave."(1.) This is a moment to ask yourself the hard questions that often we ignore or pass over.  What is the journey or path to becoming a #HERO.  Is it at the root of what we have done most of our life, or did we receive an experience due to external influences or was there a singular internal event that changes our lives.   Perhaps it is best described as a calling or as I read recently a VOCATION, which in latin VOCARE means "to call." Did yo...

S M I L E with Michael Ray

With hasten intent and a fire in my eye, I greeted Tuesday morning, May 05, 2020 with passion and a resolve to find out what the S M I L E Project is all about.  I was going to step outside of my comfort zone and have a conversation, with a man, who I just met as a contact on LinkedIn. He is an ordinary guy doing something extraordinary. He is  living a life with purpose. This man, has a purpose, mission and dream that resonated with me from the inside out. His name is Michael Ray, from Kentucky and he is the author, self motivated, driver behind the S M I L E Project Louisville - Kentucky. After seeing a post about it on the LinkedIn platform, I was curious and wanted to know more. Michael understands , appreciates and is driven by the power of one (1), for him it is very real.  His life experiences have brought him to where he is now.  He keeps his focus simple - random acts of kindness.  You will find him amid a car full of smile balloons, br...

The Journey - Getting Personal

When I started writing it was  02:18 am where I live.  I was awakened and summoned from my slumber to meet my truth.  Many years ago in the wake of a loss, many losses all at once, family therapy seemed to be the way to restore my sleep then, since it was ambivalently not open to a way to evoke restoring my body.  An intuitive therapist taught me to be awake to my un-sleep through truth. Over two decades later and I am here again, it is my mind, and heart getting me to see and process my truth(s).  Everybody's truth is different, for some it may be  seeing a situation for what it was but for me it is admitting my lack of capacity to deal with a situation and I needed help to take a moment to recover and refocus. Somehow over the years I have come the sordid conclusion that not being put together  Aka strong, was bad form or worse  a weakness.  Recently, amid the challenges we all face with COV-19, I found that it is okay, to have a mom...


Have you ever found yourself at a place where you experienced an enlightened moment, followed with euphoric passion.  You wanted to conquer the world because you had a dream, goal that was driven with an incredible amount of energy.  As you worked toward this goal there may have been an unnoticed moment that had a crescendo affect to douse that passionate fire with doubt, sometimes  shame.  This limited thinking disguised as shame, doubt and guilt are horrid bed partners.  They often choose to assassinate our capacity to do great things.  This is induced by our subconscious to limit our thinking and deduce us to a place where a goal or life's purpose is sabotaged. Limiting thinking sneaks up from our subconscious brain unwittingly when we disturb/disrupt the status quo. The thought patterns derail our intentions to perform outside the norm.  Some of those thoughts could be that we are not good enough, or we don't have the time, and who will list...


Prequil: Writing is a process and frequently timing is everything.  Some weeks ago, while pondering how I could give  back to the world, I began to pen this post.  In retrospect, I believe this post is needed now more than ever considering the current conditions of the world.  How do we create more light, gratitude and positive moments when the world is experiencing such a tumultuous upheaval unlike anything any generation has ever experienced. Bar none even a world war. GROWING POSITIVE VIBRATIONS THROUGH KINDNESS Life and all it intricacies can certainly create a proverbial hot mess if you do not plan, prepare and change your expectations.  Expectations are those values and principals we live by, but unfortunately cannot expect others to be as we are individually.  Often when expectations fall to the ground unmet, we get angry at the world because everyone should know what we believe in and act that way. Unfortunately we are not mind readers and beca...