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Prequil: Writing is a process and frequently timing is everything.  Some weeks ago, while pondering how I could give  back to the world, I began to pen this post.  In retrospect, I believe this post is needed now more than ever considering the current conditions of the world.  How do we create more light, gratitude and positive moments when the world is experiencing such a tumultuous upheaval unlike anything any generation has ever experienced. Bar none even a world war.

Life and all it intricacies can certainly create a proverbial hot mess if you do not plan, prepare and change your expectations.  Expectations are those values and principals we live by, but unfortunately cannot expect others to be as we are individually.  Often when expectations fall to the ground unmet, we get angry at the world because everyone should know what we believe in and act that way.

Unfortunately we are not mind readers and because of societal and generational changes, those time honored traditions and beliefs might not have transferred from one generation to the next. We are not speaking of anything remotely difficult or challenging. In fact it is very simple.  Common courtesies such as kindness, acknowledging others as they approach you, showing gratitude, remembering thank you and please each moment you get.  Also finding time to share an appreciation as well as keeping eye contact.

Often it has been socially awkward, unacceptable or weakness to show kindness to another human being especially on a professional front.  It is neither a weakness or unacceptable.  Kindness, gratitude are virtues that are undersold. These virtues are in fact a strength.  For example, have you ever been so angry that you had to leave a room.  Kindness, in the heat of a moment will increase  your vibrations, show character and create a lasting relationship despite negativity. Kindness is a verb that involves very personal action and participation with ourselves and others.  Take a step back, access how you grow kindness.   Are you able to speak with kindness, give service to others, offer a helping hand when you see others in need.  By taking time to share random acts of kindness, you are nurturing and giving others an opportunity to experience your care.

Be grateful.  Two simple words that amass a wealth of self reflection on how your life has been blessed.  In a world where self gratis and media increases our need to be seen, delay gratification or gratitude are put under the table; hid.  The virtue of gratitude, certainly increases our capacity to be positive, why, because the grace of how our lives are blessed enables us to see what we have rather than what we don't.  Being focused on what we want or don't have, creates unexpected internal pressure to meet those wants rather than needs and our vision is blurred with an unrelenting desire for more.

Let's experiment if you will for a moment.  Find a pen, pencil and paper.  Ask yourself, "What am I grateful for today?" Try for a moment to think of how many gifts both tangible and intangible you receive on a daily basis.  What did you see? Most importantly what did you feel?  Did your heart connect to a place that you could see, truly see how much you have been given.

The equation is simple as you see what you have been given, you then to will want to give whether great or small to others.  It is said that great or strong leaders stop to help and offer assistance to others despite their own challenges.  Are you a leader who gives and has the grace of gratitude?  Where do you shine your life's light?

Thought provoking questions that we all need to ask ourselves in order to ensure that our direction, goals and intent are aligned.  Alignment comes from the impetus to do what you love.  On LinkedIn, a business oriented social media platform, Whitney Johnson and Paul Senik  talked about  understanding your Why behind the WHY of what your purpose and mission in life is.  Take stock in what you value and your principles.

Visualize these virtues and guiding principles through daily action, meditation and visual boards.  Sharing your purpose and values increases attraction of like minded professionals and people, who directly relate to your why.  Know what drives your passion.  Having a dream and goals without the why gives no meaning and direction. Shine your light, love and passion everyday through small simple acts.

Giving more light exponentially attracts more light.  Remove the negativity and darkness from your daily routine and walk with confidence toward the warmth of what is already inside of you waiting to be released.


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