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The Journey - Getting Personal

When I started writing it was  02:18 am where I live.  I was awakened and summoned from my slumber to meet my truth.  Many years ago in the wake of a loss, many losses all at once, family therapy seemed to be the way to restore my sleep then, since it was ambivalently not open to a way to evoke restoring my body.  An intuitive therapist taught me to be awake to my un-sleep through truth. Over two decades later and I am here again, it is my mind, and heart getting me to see and process my truth(s).  Everybody's truth is different, for some it may be  seeing a situation for what it was but for me it is admitting my lack of capacity to deal with a situation and I needed help to take a moment to recover and refocus.

Somehow over the years I have come the sordid conclusion that not being put together  Aka strong, was bad form or worse  a weakness.  Recently, amid the challenges we all face with COV-19, I found that it is okay, to have a moment when it is tough to see the forest for the trees, that in that moment of breaking yourself down and allowing yourself to feel, that you see the path behind you and ahead of you more clearly.

It is a fact of life, we have to live and grow through experiences without them defining us negatively.  I have buried two infant children, been divorced, buried a spouse, and am now raising a special needs child who I adopted. This mention isn't a flag or right of achievement/passage, as if to say here look at my scars.  What matters to you as the reader is that I have lived through such things much like anyone else but the difference has been my perspective is focused on the positives.

How do you bounce back, recover from these moments?  Crying in my soup is not going to change my situation, but changing my perspective and attitude will.  As Matt Boggs, an excellent and powerful provider of understanding the law of attraction, states in a meditation, I use daily, I am free to live life fully as I choose. At this very moment, the encouragement I would give, is to find your way to express and live your life fully as you choose.

Truly believe in who you are and what you have to offer. It is perfectly okay to give yourself permission to have a bad or rough day.  By indulging in such activities, you are creating opportunities to let go of the negative, so that your well is ready to receive the good.  We cannot enjoy the sun, moon and starts if we cannot enjoy and appreciate ourselves.  We are vessels that need nourishment, that is positive and every chance we get, it is important to clean out the pollution mentally, emotionally and physically.  We expose ourselves to stress and negativity that is harmful to our inner being, soul and yet we worry more about our environment than ourselves. 

So I am going to cry for a moment to release the toxins in my heart, mind and soul because I need to do that in order to move forward.  Let me say emphatically, in my opinion, crying is not a weakness, it is a means and way that our body uses for us to release what is causing us strife.  Strife as in stress, worry, anxiety, not being enough, measuring up, performing at societies pace, and in my case no sleep. I don't have to be strong every day, I choose to be but when I am not, it is okay and purposeful to gain courage to keep moving forward.   I have to walk in my moment allowing that to be a part of growth and  strength becoming the most unique expression of life I can offer the world.


Kudos and Acknowledgement - Mary Morrisey and her son Matt Boggs along with Natalie Ledwell are phenomenal leaders in their craft of mindset and the law of attraction.  There are numerous classes and free offers that can help you build and change your life.


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