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Have you ever found yourself at a place where you experienced an enlightened moment, followed with euphoric passion.  You wanted to conquer the world because you had a dream, goal that was driven with an incredible amount of energy.  As you worked toward this goal there may have been an unnoticed moment that had a crescendo affect to douse that passionate fire with doubt, sometimes  shame.  This limited thinking disguised as shame, doubt and guilt are horrid bed partners.  They often choose to assassinate our capacity to do great things.  This is induced by our subconscious to limit our thinking and deduce us to a place where a goal or life's purpose is sabotaged.

Limiting thinking sneaks up from our subconscious brain unwittingly when we disturb/disrupt the status quo. The thought patterns derail our intentions to perform outside the norm.  Some of those thoughts could be that we are not good enough, or we don't have the time, and who will listen to us anyway.   There are autonomic protections in place to keep the so called peace.  The truth is events, experiences change our thinking and grow our beliefs on how we deal with life.  How do these events change your thinking and how do you move past them?

We program ourselves based on the internal story we speak most especially  as it relates to that significant experience.  Engage with me for a moment.  Were there any significant traumatic or just seemingly small events  that left a void or  strong impression  in your life? I am certain when we take an inventory of ourselves and our lives there are forgotten instances that we feel we have overcome but they are there hidden away from plain sight.

As I travel the path to becoming a certified health and life coach, with all my heart I knew that I had to change my mindset. I knew because each time I had a paradigm shift or an idea to fulfill a need with passion I would get stumped in my tracks but couldn't put it into words.  No matter how driven and methodical I was, or even skilled I was at an impasse.  It was like getting to the edge of a 15-20 foot diving board, bouncing, looking down and then turning to walk away.  How do I move past that thinking and be free to personify who I am.

Over time, whether intentionally or intuitively, I have found my healer of negative self speak, limiting thinking.  The healing process came from specific activities such as "random acts of kindness" , the power of positive affirmations and gratitude.   My parents were a great support but essentially, I was self taught by the universe and didn't know it until now.  Moving past the subconscious stories we tell ourselves takes tenacity and courage.  Our mind with action is the greatest tool to facilitate change.  I do not advocate in the least that this journey is instant.   Even now  I still find myself reaching for empowering knowledge to eliminate the sub conscious conscripts of my mind in order to maximize my capacity to eradicate limiting thinking and increase the binary capacity to empower mind over matter.  That is a heavy statement and a mouthful. I am sure you can relate.

Certainly again this is my opinion and life experience results that has lead me to this conclusion but I am confident and passionate that it works when you choose to take the path of changing your life, your story, your limits become what you make or break of them.

Acts of kindness increase your internal capacity to see joy, feel the internal changes of attitude where there was once a darkness no matter the degree that held you back.  Let me relate a simple example.

After a particularly stressful morning, which started with a some what hostile reaction from a family member, then four flat tires, I felt pending gloom and doom.  I told myself that these events did not have the meaning I placed on them and it was just life happening. In that moment of thinking, I had to look at the good, find the positive and create an attitude of appreciation within myself
I smiled, sat and said a prayer of thanks, then I found I had much to be grateful for.  I am grateful for friends who were able to help me find a way to fix my slashed tires without having to replace all of them.

Being grateful and collecting your thoughts on this little acknowledged virtue, will bring with it an increase of light, harmony and positive feelings to the very heart of who we are.  Daily participation in activities that lift your internal positive vibrations will ensure a shift in your subconscious mindset.  It takes a daily effort, discipline and focus. Often not an easy task to master but with consistency it is.

I can honestly say that self will can only go so far but the combination of the following activities

  1.  Gratitude
  2. Random Acts of kindness
  3. Findding an activity that  encourages creativity, art, music, and dance,
  4. Participating in positive affirming statements, meditation daily
 All, when done consistently are a huge contributor to the beginning journey of change.  I would also suggest, taking a class to help break deep seeded limiting thinking.  Natalie Ledwell and her team who created the Ultimate Success Masterclass (USM) have been a phenomenal support.  The knowledge empowerment has truly helped me to see where my limiting thinking lies and how deep it runs.

There are many apps available that will assist in helping to monitor your mindset.  Remember to the core of what we experience this is only a small portion.  We need to take into account our health, sleep and stress levels too, as they contribute to our state of mind and capacity to deal with life.  You have the mind power to do whatever your heart desires just remember there are tools to get through it when a bump crops up unexpectedly as it were.


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