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Unsung Extraordinary Hero - A Journey to Fulfilling a Calling to Be a Voice

In the wake of current life situations with COVID-19 Pandemic the word HERO only synonymous with
comic books has become a household word. We are in a time and place where we desperately need the visibility and creation of heros, heroines, people who are heroic.  From a college course book in one of my business classes, the definition in this time and space is certainly appropriate. In the introduction, Jeff Sanderfer said, " heroic people - people who shape events, who act rather than watch, who are creative and brave."(1.)

This is a moment to ask yourself the hard questions that often we ignore or pass over.  What is the journey or path to becoming a #HERO.  Is it at the root of what we have done most of our life, or did we receive an experience due to external influences or was there a singular internal event that changes our lives.   Perhaps it is best described as a calling or as I read recently a VOCATION, which in latin VOCARE means "to call." Did you come to a place that your were internally and personally unsatisfied that lead you to a search for that call or calling, purpose of life.   Are you actively asking yourself these questions so that you may facilitate seeking.

The journey begins with asking the hard questions in order to manifest the journey's path you need to be on.  By asking questions, it will cause an intention to take action, action that bubbles up ideas, learning, a manifestation of passion and yearning to be a part of something greater than ourselves.

Remember as you disrupt the status quo, you will meet those ill placed thoughts that impede your hero journey.  On a personal note, I am experiencing it this very moment, as I move from mediocre to being a woman on a mission, with intent to provide content that is meaningful and moving. Each moment, my mindset likes to through a curve ball in my intentions an plans. Having an und
erstanding of that enables me to be aware of those small thoughts that can eat away at my passion to fulfill my promise to myself.

Don't give in, create a random act of kindness and be grateful for your day, your passion and life's purpose. Share it with yourself in writing, with a loved one, with a colleague.  Before you even think about it too much, that small sliver in your subconscious disappears.

Now that you have put your toe into the water, without fear to ask the hard questions, seeked answers and found your passion, call to action, it is time to take the first step. We all have everything inside of us already to be a hero/heroine and do extraordinary things.  We have to choose how to make those first steps. It isn't easy moving away from the old, but it is worth it.  Having a life of meaning takes effort and action.  It starts by giving up a part of yourself, small random acts of kindness.  Giving in and of itself is free, has a  high yeild of return investment and the interest in what you share makes all the difference.

Are you ready to living and moving a path to becoming a HERO without a map, script or a plan that is defined to every "I" dotted and "T" crossed. Then let's go.  With pen, paper, laptop and phone once you have identified your calling, look at who you are. From several books and classes I have attended, writing is key to shaping your path.  It gives you an opportunity to see where you have been and share experiences with yourself you can read at a later date.   In your journal list in sections, your strengths, weaknesses, relationships, personality, desires, natural skill sets, beliefs.   Remember what I said,  We all have everything inside of us already to be a hero/heroine and do extraordinary things.  We have to choose how to make those first steps. It isn't easy moving away from the old, but it is worth it.

These are the initial steps to create the beginning of your path toward being a #HERO and over the next
while we will delve into what other steps need to be taken. This is a culmination of learning and life experience.  The biggest start, for me was A Field Guide to A Hero's Journey along with several other books since then.  I would encourage you to read this book and hopefully it will feed you mind, heart and soul.

My journey has brought me to a place of writing and giving to others, being a champion for their passions.  As the days and months move forward I will write about Unsung Extraordinary Heros who in my estimation, are creative, shape events, act upon their passion rather than being acted upon, are brave and may I add resilient and passionate about their vocation, they have been called to.

Remember with every step you take, someone needs you, your gifts, your passion to fulfill a higher purpose.  Genuinely find a way to grow what you have been given and share with the world. 

1. A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey - inspirational classics and practical advise from a serial entrepreneur and entepreneurial priest. Introduction, Page VI, Paragraph 2, 


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