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Unsung Extraordinary Hero - A Ray of Sunshine Eminates

As the sun rises above a majestic mountain top, streams of sun beams gently kiss to the land with gold.
A gold that is priceless, nurturing and brings abundance.   One by one each beam reaches the heart and hearth of  someone.   Such a tranquil moment untouched by world prejudice, unkindness or discontent; just pure bliss.  
Wendy Gilhula is much like the gentle beams of sunlight that grace the earth.  Each radiant beam is a life touching a life.  The smile that Wendy Gilhula generates from the inside out.  Her mission is to bring kindness, not just to everyday life through her writing, arming children with tools  and the workplace.    

If you were to ask Wendy about her journey, she would tell you is started with a question.  A conversation that embraced further contemplation.  The root of the pondering began a journey of wit, discovery and determination to fill the world with kindness and magical stories.

Wendy, understood as she raised her children that everyone has a story to tell and for her, that was priceless.  In her truth she found solace in writing which is what created the moment she appreciates today.  Back to the question which filled empty skies of slight bewilderment - What is it that you do?  

Wendy knew she had to entreat herself to come to the precipice of life and say out loud what she did.  Her answer was, simple but very meaningful.  Wendy wrote books that children were never going to read.   This was a cascading waterfall where questions and answers ensued.  It was time to get out the manuscripts and do something about it.  PIKA Bunny had been put away for too long.  It was time to shift the inner dialogue and put those stories she was reserving for her children to life.

Stepping into the unknown, Wendy went about determined and full of purpose to write, review,  encapsulate her gift in the form of children's book.  This sojourn brought growth, knowledge and empowerment for Wendy.  What is incredible about that path is she never gave up her dream because she met with stumbling blocks. Wendy armed herself with courage and turned those road blocks into stepping stones.  Stepping stones that would build an incredible opportunity for others and done with kindness.

Wendy has a badge of kindness that is gently drizzled and sprinkled in all that she does.  Before becoming and author, she would be found bringing fresh flowers and chocolates to the office.  It was and is still very important that the culture in the work space encourage kindness.  Often we see in society the banner that proclaims - "Take what you want!" But for Wendy, it is all about being kind.  Kindness stretches it's hand when  PIKA Bunny teaches children about kindness as part of self-care where wearing kindness  is cool.  Wendy is a woman who walks in her speak.  Her confident, soft spoken presence in the club house helps you to feel at ease especially if you are new to writing.

In our society, now today, it takes courage to be kind.  Kindness is a virtue we each need to garner within ourselves every day if not for the sake of ourselves but more important for the growth and evolution of our tribes, our communities.   The world we now experience is a bygone era and with Wendy's help and APP we can wear kindness everyday without ego, opinion or judgment, because we choose it, we live it in order to thrive.  

Join Wendy on her purpose to create kindness in every beam of sunshine where you have the integrity and legacy that touches a life upon a life everywhere you go.


 More About Wendy ...
  As an artist, author of 5 children’s books, and choreographer I have created over 200 far. My pieces have been in museums, private celebrity estates, and traveled across the US. As a bestselling author, I support aspiring authors and published authors and illustrators with their children's book manuscripts and illustrations.

After being on over 70 podcasts as a guest, it's my turn!
Find out more on the #writekindpodcast.

Be a part of the Write Kind Clubhouse Facebook Group for creatives here:


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