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UNSUNG EXTRAORDINARY HEROINE - Athena and Nike of the 21st Century

One cannot leave a conversation without feeling a sense of empowerment. Rachel Beck is a warrior in her own right, determined to live the life she loves.  Her special powers are like those of ancient Athena and her ancient companion Nike -  wisdom, stratagem, war and victory.  The only resolve that Rachel is waging, is that of changing the culture associated with Diversity, Positivism and Kindness.  Her victories, are not on a battlefield but with everyday people within her network on social media platforms.

are unseen by the world but in incremental significant terms, everyone knows her name, her platform, her message. She made up her mind a long time ago despite life challenges to keep on going.  If you were to ask her for wisdom to tell her future self, Rachel would eloquently tell you [...]

"You have moments that will either make or break you.  You have to get to a mindset that asks where do I go from here - Go left or go right then execute that decision without hesitation or compunction.  In the moment seek out people who can help you.  This is a choice you need to make in your life every day. 
Every path on the journey comes together.  We only live once and when you almost die, you find that you will not take life for granted. Have a purposeful sense of Gratitude." 

Recently while reading a book about leadership, a quote seemed to personify the drive that Rachel has.  The phrase that resonated about Rachel was that she is a "Persistent Innovator."  It is how she would describe her journey. Like the Goddess Athena, she is determined.  If she manifests a goal, she won't say it, she will put it into action instead with innovation.  There are three important ingredients that create a god-like synergy for success.

  •  Have a Strong Work Ethic,
  • Create a great support system of like minded thinkers both family and friends
  • Never ever give up on your dreams.


Rachel will tell you that your dreams are the secret thread in the fabric of life.  This thread tailors your perspective, hope and a drive to work toward something greater than yourself. The ancients  believed that all  great endeavors were only a dream away which in actuality is true, what we think we create.  Rachel has a hope and passion like that of an Amazon warrior to bring kindness, care and diversity to all that she touches.  She does not limit her scope of work or the people, tribes and communities she creates harmony within.


Athena was the patron goddess of heroic endeavor.  In this case Rachel's heroic endeavor is stitched into the fabric of her life leaving a legacy behind for her family.  A legacy that she would not ask anyone else to do unless she is living and following it herself. A walking testimony of her truth, having experienced the riggers of life where unkindness touched her soul.  Now with that sojourn she can succor the very people she meets because of her journey.  All who cross her path will feel her genuine love and empathy that radiates light like the shield of truth she carries vigilantly.

Stand with me and celebrate the court of a divine spirit who champions like an Amazon Warrior, speaks her truth with clarity and lives her intent with fierce passion and drive.  Be her champion for kindness, for diversity accepting we are all different but very much the same.


Be inspired by your own story. Find your way, when life changes your plan.


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