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With long curly, buxom blonde hair waving on the breeze, a harvest wreath upon her brow, the helmet of a knight tucked under her arm, Tanya Pluckrose is a modern day Joan of Arc.  She is a mindset maven who's voice travels like a whisper in the wind to touch the hearts of others.

Her purpose of life is to give her tribe, her community with the armor of an incredible mindset.  The flag that billows beside her regales the weary traveler of her intent - her love of serving and goodness.Words that describe Tanya are:  💓Go Getter 👍 Loving,  👼Determined  💓Relentless 💞 Resourceful, 💪 Resilient 💝 Has Integrity honors her word.

Of these words what resonates is Tanya's soulful language and super-power -  her mindset.  She is like the armor she carries, resilient, resourceful with a touch of kindness that can penetrate the armor of the soul.  Because of her beauty to be kind and resourceful, her baskets are never empty and her giving service is done with a pure heart.  She is a maiden, not in waiting but armed and ready to create harmony in life's challenges.

Since harmony is her medallion of truth, her life's purpose is to help the weary life traveler on their journey to unlock their greatest gift so that they can shatter with their mind armor, the subjects and things that cause them the greatest travail and pain ever known to them and only them. 
Her magic is found in her soulful knowledge from experience and learning. Truly to spend a moment with Tanya is magic.  She will tell you that your greatest cheerleader is yourself, a gift we need to graciously envelope because it isn't the cheering from the crowd at a jousting festival or 1,000 likes that will uplift you.  It starts with your own personal belief in yourself. 

Personal belief takes daily action, however Tanya will tell you that the Universe has your back and will provide opportunities and support.  Certainly I  have found that to be very true because my time with Tanya revealed my own learning and understanding about myself and I had to arrive at celebrating a success, a small achievement. Make a committed decision, acknowledge each victory/achievement as you go, accept your results and not excuses are Tanya's harmony words that build the character of  your mindset tool box, in this case an anvil, spear, bow and arrow will not bring the peace that is needed.

As we fast forward to the time that spans decades, Tanya would tell her future self to - don't doubt your doubts because you were born to succeed and not to keep yourself small.  Being small, not in stature but our mental blue print limits our capacity to conquer the dragons in our lives. The dragons are the traditions of our upbringing that limit our thinking.  They are also that ooze that comes when we seek to create harmony within our subconscious.  The primordial ooze as in, I AM NOT ENOUGH, I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH, I AM NOT SMART, I AM TOO SHORT,  I AM STUPID, I AM UNABLE TO BE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE I AM NOBODY, I AM NOT IMPORTANT, I DO NOT MATTER.

Tanya knows the
 map, the road, the journey, the unsafe neighborhoods of your thinking thinking.  She will help you hewn your mindset from the ashes of your journey so that you become a mindful gate keeper of your thoughts.  Take a moment to pick up a helmet, and goodness flag and join Tanya on a mind altering, incredible life changing journey and it starts today.
Your journey although unintentionally and intentionally littered with the rubble of life and Tanya has the magic formula with your own super powers to transform that unwanted parchment ascribed with archaic mindsets money matters into an energy of abundance

As the writer I invite you to own the words you are reading to connect with the gifts and treasures you already have inside of you.  Allow these words to deepen your desire to move from mediocre to success so that you live into and create a life that you love, a love that belongs to you.



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