Have you ever found yourself in a precarious position betwixt the devil and the deep blue sea. Often it is when our values and what we want are crossroads. The key is how to do battle with the angel and demons in our lives. Sticks and Stone may break your bones but the giant of despair cannot hurt you. I adapted this childhood rhyme to introduce and aspect that can break the best of us. Second to that is the pebble in our show, the annoyance that won’t go away. The reason for these two notable topics is because they resonate two distinctive challenges I have been facing while developing business ideas this last semester. I believe that knowing and understanding these two key challenges it will help me to find meaningful ways to embrace and over come them. I found solace in a great, simple to the point read. It is my sword and buckler in those moments, not just as an entrepreneur but as a human I face difficulties. May I resoundingly rec...
BE FABULOUS, HAVE JOY, DO GREAT THINGS. A Compilation of meaningful writing to inspire, create action and support to entrepreneurs and life experiencers who want to live the life they love