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Showing posts from March, 2018

Stones in Road. Pebbles in my Shoe. Stand Up or Follow Despair

Have you ever found yourself in a precarious position betwixt the devil and the deep blue sea.  Often it is when our values and what we want are crossroads.  The key is how to do battle with the angel and demons in our lives. Sticks and Stone may break your bones but the giant of despair cannot hurt you.  I adapted this childhood rhyme to introduce and aspect that can break the best of us.  Second to that is the pebble in our show, the annoyance that won’t go away. The reason for these two notable topics is because they resonate two distinctive challenges I have been facing while developing business ideas this last semester.  I believe that knowing and understanding these two key challenges it will help me to find meaningful ways to embrace and over come them. I found solace in a great, simple to the point read.  It is my sword and buckler in those moments, not just as an entrepreneur but as a human I face difficulties.  May I resoundingly rec...

Compassion in the Face of Tragedy

Despite our diversity and nationalities we are never immune to tragedy. This life is full of tragedy and frankly it can at times make you disillusioned to if there is any humanity left in the world.  Due to the connections with Facebook and Instagram, half way around the world I find myself crying for the tragedy of those families in Kemerovo a Siberian City in Russia.  On Sunday a fire broke out in a mall, where based on initial reports, the fire alarms were turned off and exits were blocked.  Over 64 people to date have reportedly been lost in the fire or are missing.  The majority of them school age children taking the equivalent of much like our children Spring Break.  This is a senseless loss that the parents will spend years trying to make deal with . Lets gather our collective humanity together and bare this burden for others further afield than we are in this moment. We owe it to them to share this grief for are we not all humans that feel. Plea...

To See OR Not to See What color is your perspective lens?

William Shakespeare coined a phrase, To be or Not to be.  I am going to borrow this thinking and apply it to our vision of life, who we are and how we see the world.  To see or Not See that is the question.  How is the color of our perspective developed in relation to how we see the world in which we live? Stephen W Gibson,  Founder of Academy for Creating Enterprise spoke at a local university in Idaho and discussed how our thinking, beliefs, opinions can create filters in our minds.  It begins in our youth as our minds go through the conscripts that are under development. This will color and form the way we see things and issues.  Inherently we can see our parents in ourselves on many issue while we are growing up.  At some stage through our education and life experiences in our early adulthood we shift our vision to lenses, unfiltered that work for us.  Gibson said it is much like wearing corrective optical lenses.   The road t...

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Since the beginning of this blog post over 10 weeks ago many discussion have been about the core of entrepreneurship.  Getting to the heart of the matter.  May I remind you as often I have that this journey started with a dream, your dream to create something that you believed in your youth would come true.  Remember those wishes and child like aspirations. It sounded something like this ...  "When I grow up, I am going to be be a Fire fighter, the President, be a toy maker, invent something cool." This weeks insightful blog will explore the dynamics an entrepreneur vs the intrinsic automated bureaucratic tendencies of corporations.  How do these differ?  Based on research it is in the line of thinking.  An entrepreneur when faced with a challenge will immediately think, Where is the opportunity? How do I capitalize on it?  What resources do I need? How do I gain control over them? What structure is best? Inherently the business admi...

Lead with Love, Lead with Vision and Purpose

How do you see yourself on this journey of Entrepreneurship?  Are you confident, calm, serene or do you feel desperately at a disadvantage?  Leaders are not immune from such feelings but what sets them apart is how they utilize those feelings to graciously walk, not run through challenges they face. An enviable mark of a great leader is one who puts aside their personal feelings and sets about making a difference in others’ lives for the greater good of the company not self. Selflessness is a virtue greatly ignored in a world of entitlement, self-gratification, self-indulgence, and selfies.  However, a leader who is attuned to the people, faces and members of his corporation will understand that to love his people means to give them opportunities to be selfless, grow professionally and trust their gifts and talents.   Leaders cannot realize their greatest vision for the future without letting go of the reins and delegating important tasks to trustworthy...


Often we have heard the endearing words from our parents in our youth that we can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.  The mind and heart can be fickle especially when subjected to negativity from outside sources.  During those times we doubt our ambition, our dreams and desire to become what we are most passionate about. How do we not give up and keep moving forward when the sounds that echo around us of non support or despairing remarks from family hecklers or disbelievers in the wings and rafters.  It is a phenomenon that gives preponderance. Think for a moment why you want to give up a life of meaning because of nay sayers who do not walk in your footsteps.   Why do we has humans have the propensity to give up so easily because someone we may trust doesn't have the vision that we do.  This is just minor obstacle on the journey to entrepreneurship.  Jeff Sandefer and Rev Robert Sinico coined it well in chapter 5 of the book, "A Fi...