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To See OR Not to See What color is your perspective lens?

William Shakespeare coined a phrase, To be or Not to be.  I am going to borrow this thinking and apply it to our vision of life, who we are and how we see the world.  To see or Not See that is the question.  How is the color of our perspective developed in relation to how we see the world in which we live?

Stephen W Gibson,  Founder of Academy for Creating Enterprise spoke at a local university in Idaho and discussed how our thinking, beliefs, opinions can create filters in our minds.  It begins in our youth as our minds go through the conscripts that are
under development. This will color and form the way we see things and issues.  Inherently we can see our parents in ourselves on many issue while we are growing up.  At some stage through our education and life experiences in our early adulthood we shift our vision to lenses, unfiltered that work for us.  Gibson said it is much like wearing corrective optical lenses.   The road to becoming an independent thinker.  A shear moment of joy an adoration.  A moment where adulthood is not so searing in nature.

Each experience and moment we have from this point forward re-programs our conscript and individual thinking.  Again the filters are of our creation not put upon by social expletives or our parents.  How we see the world through those ideologies, thoughts and feelings. One such perspective that may be skewed is one of money. Often referred to filthy lucre, from Stephen Gibson's perspective it is neither good or bad.  Money is a means to make more choices, better choice that if make with good in mind will bless and benefit the lives of others.  This phenomenon is philanthropy.  Many great philanthropist have changed the lives of people for good. As we accumulate a wealth bucket how do we contribute something meaningful to society as a way of giving back.  Often our filtered lenses deem judgement is necessary instead of seeing with clear correction before we will undertake giving back.

Money gives society the means to engage in the communities we live.  At the end of our lives how do we view what we accomplished, was what we achieved indicative of someone who spent time serving and giving meaning to others through their wealth.  To paint a picture in your minds I like to mention an analogy. It is like the analogy of the Polka Dot in water. We are one polka dot in the blip of life.  How we interact and influence other dots has a direct impact and ripple affect on the waters we travel.  We are all interconnected in one way or another whether we make little ripple or big waves.   For example: One day I had an intuitive feeling to reach out to a friend, I did not know their circumstances for their day but felt a need to call them.  I took the time to call and the call that day made a difference in their lives.  My friend was suffering from a major depressive episode and did not know now to reach out for help, their depression had paralyzed them. All too often we get too busy to follow those gut check impression only to later find out the impact for another was devastating and we are left with regret and remorse for what we could have and should have done.

Live your life as if it was your last, don't leave activities incomplete,  including those where we have an impression, sense or feeling to help in some small way, those polka dots floating on the water, who desperately need our help.  The truth of the matter is we all need help, compassion, friendship and love.a  A wise man I know, Thomas S Monson once said of success and its achievement is found in the following statement [...] "fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love. My closing question to you are these in relation to the polka dots in our lives

  • What are your truths and beliefs that you live by? (Ones where there is no latitude)
  • How do you live your life in helping and serving others? (Today in this moment)
  • Do you love unconditionally every person you interact with? (Hard to do)
This is the fabric of your life and only you can make it what you want it to be. Each of us has swatches that are indelibly woven into other fabrics while those with whom we meet, we exchange our threads to either strengthen or break down.  Ultimately the choice is yours.  Is your live a place of meaning or mediocrity without purpose.  Where is your perspective?


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