Despite our diversity and nationalities we are never immune to tragedy. This life is full of tragedy and frankly it can at times make you disillusioned to if there is any humanity left in the world. Due to the connections with Facebook and Instagram, half way around the world I find myself crying for the tragedy of those families in Kemerovo a Siberian City in Russia. On Sunday a fire broke out in a mall, where based on initial reports, the fire alarms were turned off and exits were blocked. Over 64 people to date have reportedly been lost in the fire or are missing. The majority of them school age children taking the equivalent of much like our children Spring Break. This is a senseless loss that the parents will spend years trying to make deal with
Lets gather our collective humanity together and bare this burden for others further afield than we are in this moment. We owe it to them to share this grief for are we not all humans that feel. Please take a moment of silence in respect for those who in their youth have gone past the vale of this life to the realms of God. Put aside your work for a moment and send a gallant thought of love for them.

My journey in this life is about giving service and building a life of meaning for those around me who have a need. I don't need to know the names of these families but what I do see a need. A need for our compassion, love to bear the emotional burden. Even though it will not bring them I would like with the help of a friend in Russia, send donations. I would also like to find other ways to donate for example giving a blanket in memory of those that were lost. With all the compassion and heart felt feelings, I ask for your assistance to put together a team to make this project a reality. If this had happened any of us we would be doing all we can to reach out. Distance and nationality cannot impede us finding a way to give back during the one time in the deepest depths of despair we need the most understanding and hope. I can say I know the pain and deep agony associated with such grief and loss as I have lost two children. Perhaps that is my impetus for this project. I know the pain unlike anything else you can ever experience.
Please leave a comment or email me at and bring your compassion and passion to help. In all humility I ask that you please put this blog link on your Facebook and Instagram pages to get the word out. I will send a link to the page where the donations can begin to be collected in the next couple of days.
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