Sticks and Stone may break your bones but the giant of despair cannot hurt you. I adapted this childhood rhyme to introduce and aspect that can break the best of us. Second to that is the pebble in our show, the annoyance that won’t go away. The reason for these two notable topics is because they resonate two distinctive challenges I have been facing while developing business ideas this last semester. I believe that knowing and understanding these two key challenges it will help me to find meaningful ways to embrace and over come them.
I found solace in a great, simple to the point read. It is my sword and buckler in those moments, not just as an entrepreneur but as a human I face difficulties. May I resoundingly recommend, "A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey." This guide, is inspirational, practical and no nonsense in its writing format. As I have traveled on this entrepreneurial journey, finding inspiration and motivation can be challenging, however, having a field guide helped resolve and dissipate my experiences with great coping skills that build character.

I believe in love even when I do not feel it.” Certainly this kind of mantra and affirmation will create a beam of home in those moments of despair. Also a strategy I have found comfort in was discovered when I interviewed a colleague who said when there is an impasse, close the door and look for another, if the door is not found then make one yourself. It seems counter intuitive to take such action, however for an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, it makes logical and out of the box thinking. These strategies will help me stay close to my stars and live my dream and stay on course with my goals and not get bogged down in the darkest mists.

Transformation is much easier than feeling bad for oneself amidst building a business. Attitude gives one to move above the noise of challenges and see opportunities in their truest form. Taking the time to work hard and endure is the test of your metal. Letting go prematurely is not an option otherwise those opportunities may be loss which bear fruits of greatness.
No longer will I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (life) and fear. I know that there can be light and it is the light of meaning and character that I bring with me as I journey. These elements can be my greatest weaknesses in becoming an entrepreneur. As I cultivate new attitudes about them, I can show others what has meaning in my life and give the greatest gift. The gift of understanding and tools to which they will be refined into a master of their destiny.
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