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Lead with Love, Lead with Vision and Purpose

How do you see yourself on this journey of Entrepreneurship?  Are you confident, calm, serene or do you feel desperately at a disadvantage?  Leaders are not immune from such feelings but what sets them apart is how they utilize those feelings to graciously walk, not run through challenges they face. An enviable mark of a great leader is one who puts aside their personal feelings and sets about making a difference in others’ lives for the greater good of the company not self.

Selflessness is a virtue greatly ignored in a world of entitlement, self-gratification, self-indulgence, and selfies.  However, a leader who is attuned to the people, faces and members of his corporation will understand that to love his people means to give them opportunities to be selfless, grow professionally and trust their gifts and talents.   Leaders cannot realize their greatest vision for the future without letting go of the reins and delegating important tasks to trustworthy, talented and very capable people.

This level of trust exhibits a leadership model in relation to execution.  It is not often found but can be developed.  A secret to becoming a person who sets out to achieve their goals and realizes it to full execution with dream attained is developing skills that will illustrate this characteristic.  These competences are found in everyday experiences at work and home.  For example  Be engaged in a project where you don’t ask many questions, only moving toward the goal of completion in your own terms.   Not having all the answers is not a deficit, it is an empowering strength that when used wisely shows initiative and innovation because you will search out the answers and ask questions.  Questions that will eventually bring about a result. 

Results need plans so why you are entirely engaged within a project, take time to write a preliminary plan.  Again, if you are unsure of this step, seek out a subject matter expert.  Don’t forget to include strategies, goals, deadlines and milestones that need to be met along the way.  Of course, no plan is complete without understanding the needs of the project or resources.  With clear cut and concise explanations of the needs and wants, a good leader will provide.   Often our do it myself attitude can get us into trouble.  Find humility inside and seek help to locate what is needed.  Those who will most likely help will be found through the means and ways that you helped them.

Do not be afraid to report back your progress, to your leadership so that see your outcomes.  Other suggestions are to under promise, and over deliver.  This is pretty simplistic in understanding.  Essentially, we are looking for stellar results by over delivering by your presentation and meeting bench marks before the deadline.  This will ensure great trust in your ability to perform.
Performance as a leader is essential If you want result and other to respect and appreciate your work.  

Great leaders will motivate others around them to succeed, caring for their well being on all levels.  
This is compounded by being a person of your word.  Living what you speak and walking that light.  
Leaders are not born they are made.  We all have physiognomies which can be developed. 
The crowing point of leadership is deciding and living a life of meaning and purpose.  All that you do is toward that end.  Your passion, fire, light, direction moves steadily toward your ultimate sense of being.  Missions that fulfill your purpose, allow you to lead with vision and love for others no matter their station in life.  Remember the dream, the burning of your mission, your goal.  Hitch your wagon to that star and move.


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