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Often we have heard the endearing words from our parents in our youth that we can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.  The mind and heart can be fickle especially when subjected to negativity from outside sources.  During those times we doubt our ambition, our dreams and desire to become what we are most passionate about.

How do we not give up and keep moving forward when the sounds that echo around us of non support or despairing remarks from family hecklers or disbelievers in the wings and rafters.  It is a phenomenon that gives preponderance. Think for a moment why you want to give up a life of meaning because of nay sayers who do not walk in your footsteps.   Why do we has humans have the propensity to give up so easily because someone we may trust doesn't have the vision that we do.  This is just minor obstacle on the journey to entrepreneurship.  Jeff Sandefer and Rev Robert Sinico coined it well in chapter 5 of the book, "A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey, by saying Stones in the Road.  Visualize each exhausting moment you experience glittered with moderate success and victories, only to come home feeling sorry for yourself ready to quit.  This life is not for you but for someone more ambitious, committed, zealous than yourself.

Discounting your ability and enterprising innovation speaks of perspective.  Ask yourself as cliche as this sounds but very important to ones outlook in a moment of struggle.  Is the glass half empty or half full.  Do you have the courage to push past the obstacle and see it merely as the pebble in your shoe rather than the giant boulder you insist on pushing uphill.  Facing challenges is means to test our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical acuity where the rate of return is far greater than one comprehends if a price had to be placed on it.

The answer may be as simple as the statement "You can do anything." Belief is at the heart of the matter.  To believe is to feel sure of the truth of; accept the statement.  Again, our statement that we fully accept and embrace  is "You can Do Anything."  Ask yourself what price are you willing to pay to "become"a master of self. It will take tenacity, strength, courage, time, patience and continued learning to endure tests, trial and provocation to give up.  Take a deep breath, literally awake  and shake off the mantle of doubt.  You were meant for something meaningful, this is your journey and you can do anything including transforming your circumstances where a life of meaning pledges to give light to others on their journey. 

Be the person who see confrontation, scarcity as opportunities where an adventure is a-foot finding new ways to think.  It is about the solution not problem.  Be persistent in you resolution to not become unhinged at opposition.  Stand tall, walking in your talk knowing this experience will build character and fulfill your dream.  Remember that dream, to become... only you know the passion and drive that keeps you up at night, haunts your dreams and very thoughts.  Be it love, romance, dream job, owning and operating your own business, its your vision of where you want to be.  Take it gently by the hand and run through that field of wild flowers knowing the pebble in your shoe will eventually pass and you will grow, live to see your legacy empowering others having become great and doing great things.


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