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Unsung Exraordinary Hero - It's never to late to find your purpose and live your dreams

Ageism, what is it anyway?  I had not heard that term until recently.  I would have to say that age is not a criteria for being an Unsung Hero. In fact there is no age limit to heroism.  We all can step through the door and create a life of meaning regardless of our age, status, education or creed.  You are never to old to make a difference now.  We all can learn from each other.

Let me introduce our shooting star and unsung hero Garrett Hardy, who defies ageism, with heart, intellect, drive and passion  is hot on the trail of manifesting his life's purpose. Garrett's innovative problems solving thought process, with the culmination of a dynamic team are on the path to solve a serious problem.  This change is critical to the landscape and climate of Mental Health Awareness and care. With limited resources available for mental wellness something has to be done.  The system of care is expensive and slow, leaving loved ones to suffer in silence.

People innately want to help others they are closest to but feel powerless and helpless, so they worry endlessly.  The problem we face can be defined in terms of the following scenario.  We have service dogs, for the blind, PTSD and anxiety who are trained to sense our rhythms, behaviors and most importantly when we are in trouble.  Unfortunately, to breed and train such amazing creatures costs thousands of dollars.

Garrett's technology driven AI APP would be the early warning system that service dogs provide and is free and will enhance current services.


Utilizing a combination of  environmental data like local weather reports and available technology, emotional loopes and blind spots are found in order to  give alerts for triggers in association with depression and panic.   Can you imagine a world where care givers, doctors, teams and loved ones could receive an alert when behaviors are detected signaling a concern, hence creating a conversation before any serious prognosis appears.  It is entirely driven by the user.

 At the core of this application are fundamental attributes that fulfill needs.  Those attributes are:


1. Common smart wearable technology like smart watches.

2. Self directed clinical tools based on your profile

3. Direct interactions via safe social networks

4. Mentoring 1 to1 micro videos & mindset exercises.


Why does this matter? Because it will create a person to person connection helping to eliminate the desire to  distance, to self isolate during the early stages of a depressive episode when we need to speak out.  Speaking out and having support from others will enable quicker healing.


Garrett landed an Edison or Ford moment one fateful February morning. Where his intuition directed him to find a solution to a problem.  With a spring in his step, vim and vigor Garrett is every day living his passion, verdantly manifesting his purpose. Let's gather together and help Garret succeed,  To become an ambassador or learn more about this project please see ShadowlandsAI Information.below.


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