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If one were to ask her what animal she represented, the first instinct for me was a Giraffe;  not because of her beautiful strawberry blonde mane of hair, but because of her veracity to have fun and laugh.  One would not think  now that her greatest challenge was being an introvert, and seemingly from her position of thought, much rather an ambivert.  The mere thought of putting herself out there was in and of itself unheard of.

When she joined the LinkedIn platform, it meant that she had to break through the barriers in order to interact, even comment.  That took patience, diligence, persistence and time.  Diligence and time to some are a reasonable expectation, but for Elaine Jacque, her first comment took months to get to a place of saying a few words.  She can relate to you if you are a newbie to the experience of social media.  Her heart and soul do not let her forget, because she leads with light and care.
Knowing her challenges and facing them has placed her in the court of Empathy and Kindness.  Here she gently touches others'  lives as she weaves heartfelt meaningful comments that lift the spirit and celebrate an achievement.
It is not only in the spoken word that Elaine personifies kindness or care for others.  It is in her soft spoken, confident voice that invites you to sit and listen more intently.  You don't need to roar to be heard or your presence known.  Her calm voice, mind and body create a soothing, confident, strong presence that reassures those she works with that she is in their corner.
Elaine's offer of transparency and speaking truth with the highest level of integrity matches up in all that she does.  It is easy to see that because she lives by her word.  Living by her word and works mean everything to Elaine.  Should she offer to connect people together, she follows through  - not tomorrow,  but in the moment that  it is spoken.  In part her legacy, is being built on asking the question: Who are you most likely to want to connect with?  To the answerer, this can be a cumbersome question at first, but for a moment think.

This riveting, authentic question gives way to an opportunity that can create a break through for your life's mission.  In return, Elaine gets the chance to help someone be better than they were and take their infant step to fulfill their passion and dream.  Not only to see a dream evolve into reality, but her greatest inspiration is seeing others post,  their first comments, videos, or articles. They are raw, authentic and a reminder of the path and how far she has come.
If you were to ask Elaine what her life purpose is, she would tell you she would hope that she is making an impact and empowering the lives of others for good through kindness, caring and connecting. 
Every moment she has Elaine, is like that majestic Lioness, soft gentle whisper (purrrrr) that quietly with confidence, walks into a room and has an immediate presence.  Remember that she doesn't need to roar, only speak from the heart and you are found.  Found growing, found learning, found in a sea of opportunity to live the life you love.
From the voice of compassion and giving - 
Each of us adds our own special hue of
light to our collective kaleidoscope of
beautiful colors – and it is more vivid
because you have added yours.

Contact Information:
Elaine Jacques
YOU + 1% Today! I coach leaders to Become Even More Amazing #BEMA
Website:  (Portfolio)



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