Each moment of our lives we are influenced by trends, things, media, music, did I say things. But most of all by people who enter our lives like a cool breeze unknowingly to touch our lives, whether intentional or unintentional.
Understanding the Law of Attraction enables one to lean into the ideology that what you think about you bring about. Essentially we attract what we manifest. It is fortunate when the universe brings you into connection with people who uplift, believe and show you your path.
Without a doubt, I have felt that movement in the air when the universe aligns. This gentle nudge brought me to a place of contemplation. That deep thought resonated two words, Powerhouse Woman. It was a recipe for being a champion. A cooking lesson so to speak where the law of attraction and kindness were gently folded into that mix like the white peaks of egg whites. We can picture that wonderful blend and how smooth, fluffy and light the chemical rendition of cake we get. The packing punch comes from the flavours of the cake and the frosting. You immediately have a tantalizing effervescent taste of gastronomy delight.
In simple terms as I would explain to my children [...] "Sometimes in life we have to be like a warm fresh baked cookie. A little crunchy on the outside to hold the dough firm ( our ourter selves - confidence, assertive, healthy boundaries) , and warm, chocolatie in the middle (vulnerable, kind, caring to feel life).
A powerhouse woman personifies, kindness, is vulnerable enough that we feel her uniques gifts and life experiences. She loves to learn from all walks of life and learning for her is a life time achievement. She is a servant leader, giving freely to those around her, encouraging light, hope, diversity, nurturing others in their strengths, celebrating the joy others bring. Lastly, she shows up and lives the life she loves having worked toward a passion that drives what she does. She embodies grace and humility.
It is also very significant to add to that thinking that great leaders serve their tribe or community which give a two fold affect. It increases kindness and positive vibrations for both the giver and the receiver.
The women that follow the Powerhouse definition exemplify to me what it means to be a Powerhouse Woman - A Leader that Disrupts Change through light, harmony and kindness.
With humility and all the heart and soul one can pour into the universe please take the time to read, follow, share and reach out to the dynamic, fun, passionate women who give so much.
Strong Women Pic: https://thefeed.blog/2019/03/25/heres-to-strong-women/
Another Salute to Women; https://devan.codes/blog/2020/3/6/another-salute-to-strong-women-in-my-life
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